Creative Office Decor Tips for Real Estate Offices

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Decorating your home space is definitely one of the most rewarding tasks a home-oriented person can have, thinking there is no more than that – at least when decorating is concerned. However, decorating your office space might give you a bit more freedom than you would actually think. Contrary to popular belief, your office is not only a small room between four walls, as you can create different universes here and really make it suit all your needs and tastes. If you have an office space that you want to style and decorate, and you have no idea how, take a look at the following guide as we will try to narrow down all the most important tips, tricks, and trends for you.

Simplicity is the key

One thing that never gets old, and is always in trend is simplicity. Various trends come and go, change, become passé, but simplicity is definitely something that will always be trendy. Think of it just like a little black dress and Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Anyhow, how does simplicity apply to office spaces? Minimalism is one way to go, which basically means choosing furniture that doesn’t have many details and is monochromatic. The same goes with the color of the walls – use plain white or light grey for example. In order to give it a special touch, focus on the details, such as nice lamps or paintings/posters on the walls.

Sleek and elegant

Another way you can play this is by giving your office space that elegant look. This works well for important businesses, or simply people who like to feel very special and powerful in their own office. So, elegance and power go hand in hand, so if you want to pull off this look, make sure to invest a bit more into your office. You want sturdy, dark oak desks – the darker the wood, the more expensive it looks. If you want to uniform all the offices in your company and you think it might be a bit too expensive, you can always opt for oak desks of lighter weight, or thinner ones – it still looks great. Secondly, don’t forget to incorporate something dark. This can be the color of the walls, for example, the chairs, or perhaps rugs. You can buy high quality rugs online that will really go well with this elegant feel of your office and thus save time. You want something comfortable yet inspiring.

Green feel

On the other hand, there are people who prefer having their offices cozy and comfortable, no matter the business they are in. The best way to make this happen is by layering the furniture, adding a lounge area with a couch, armchair, and cushions (if there is space) and most importantly, enhance the interior with plenty of plants and flowers. Since this is your office space and you won’t have time to water them regularly or take care of the flowers, it would be best to choose some low-maintenance home or office plants that will still make your office more comfortable and cozier.

The trend of open space

If your office space is much more than your actual office, and you need to redecorate the space for more workers, you can always opt for the open space plan. This is one of the most important trends of today, for many different reasons and benefits:

  1. It creates a much more positive atmosphere as all workers sit together, so they can chat when they have time
  2. This is the way to boost morale in your office as all of them will feel as equal and as a team, which can result in amazing outcomes for your company
  3. You can save money on adding walls and splitting the huge space into smaller offices.

A collaborative space

On the same note, if you are looking to redecorate the office space for plenty of people, and you still go with the open space concept, bear in mind that you will need to have one office which will be the collaborative space for different teams and meetings. The most popular trend nowadays is to choose glass doors (or even glass walls if that is something you can afford and create in the space that you have). This is how the team will have its privacy, while still being visible to everyone, which can create a good working atmosphere. However, if you are worried that your meetings won’t be that effective with glass windows, you can always go with the gold old conference room that you will decorate in the way you want to. Remember that you don’t have to put a lot of effort into decorating your conference rooms, but choose comfortable chairs – this is the priority, and invest in a good projector or computer.

A kitchen corner

Since you want to feel like your employees are very motivated to work in your office, you want to get them something they will like. A lounge area with couches, armchairs or lazy bags will do the trick, but you can make this area in the kitchen space. Remember that this is the space where plenty of your workers will spend time during their breaks. Do many articles state that this is also space where your team will come up with the biggest ideas as they don’t feel pressured, so why not give it a go? However, if it’s your own office that you want to decorate, you can also install a small kitchen corner next to the window where you will put your coffee machine, perhaps a tray with whiskey and glasses, or a small fridge with fizzy drinks and bottled water for your guests.

As you can see, there are plenty of ways in which you can make your office space much more interesting, and so many different ideas on how to decorate. Simply choose the one that fits you and your business the most and you will be good to go.

In : Blog, Business

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Learn More About Being a Survivalist. My name is Jack and my blog is a great way to get new and useful tips on how to get your house ready for anything, whether its a terrible storm or a really long power outage.

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