5 Survival Stylist Tips for Healthy and Gorgeous Hair

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Have you ever noticed how attractive and powerful you feel as you walk out of your hair salon? After all, it’s not difficult to feel that way when your hair looks amazing. And even though it appears as if your hairdresser achieves this with almost no effort, you can’t seem to recreate that look or the feeling at home. In case you’re wondering what you’re doing wrong and how you can advance your haircare routine to have beautiful hair, here are some excellent suggestions from professional stylists to help you.

Give Your Haircut Some Thought

Before you get a haircut, there are some things that you need to consider. First of all, you should never get a haircut that looks fantastic on a model if you aren’t completely certain it will complement the shape of your face. In case you’re insecure about whether to get a specific haircut or not, talk to your hairdresser, as they have plenty of experience and they can usually visualize you with the haircut in question and tell you whether it’s the right shape and length for you or not. In addition, they can explain how you can maintain your haircut, how often you should trim your hair, and how long it might take you to style it. Knowing these things will make it easier for you to decide what to do, as some haircuts might require too much of your time and won’t fit your lifestyle, while others could simplify and shorten your haircare process.

Have a Contingency Plan

As enthusiastic as you may be when it comes to styling your hair yourself, you should know that there will be days when something will get in your way and you just won’t have the time for anything other than blow-drying your hair. If you still want to look your best on those days, you should always have a plan B, something that will make your hair look as lavish as ever in a crisis situation. For instance, if your hair is thin and dull, and tying it back doesn’t look appealing at all, you can look for some hair extensions to help you. In fact, the best ponytail hair extensions on the market are made from top-quality human hair, which is ethically sourced and comes from a single donor. All you have to do is find those that come in a variety of lengths and colors. Search for the clip-in ones, which will allow your hair to be transformed in a matter of minutes so that your hair will look lush and dazzling even when you’re in a rush, without you having to wake up too early, be late for work, or cancel a date due to a bad hair day.

Determine Your Hair Type

Before you establish a proper haircare routine, one that will make your hair look thick and shiny, it’s essential that you identify what your hair type is. Knowing that your hair is straight or curly isn’t enough, as there is more than merely one type of curly hair, just like there are several types of scalps. Finding out what your hair type is will help you choose the right product lines, but it might also explain why your hair is oilier than your friends’, why you have dandruff, and if there are effective ways to get rid of it, as well as how to nurture your hair most efficiently. When your hair is healthy and nourished, it’s bound to look stunning. Also, this way you’ll discover the most practical ways to maintain it and style it to perfection, which can save you a lot of time, effort, and nerves down the road.

Don’t Wash Your Hair Too Frequently

Hair A young folks are making lunch in nature while camping

While you might have developed a habit of washing your hair nearly every day, or four times a week, and though you may justify this by claiming your hair just doesn’t look nice two days after you’ve washed it, you should still do your best not to wash it unnecessarily often. Namely, shampoo can take its toll on your hair when used too frequently, making it additionally limp and dry. Even if your scalp is particularly oily, you shouldn’t wash your hair more than twice a week. On the other hand, those with a normal scalp should wash their hair only once a week, so as to preserve the natural hair oils and keep their hair in the best possible condition. However, bear in mind that hair type is an individual thing and you should learn what suits your hair and your scalp the best. If you truly have to wash your hair several times a week, find a good moisturizing shampoo, which won’t damage or dry your hair too much.

Be Mindful of Your Diet

Just like your diet directly influences your overall well-being, it also affects the condition and the health of your hair. So, if you don’t find other arguments compelling enough, then the fact that your hair requires you to adjust your diet should put you on the right track. This means that your diet should be balanced, and loaded with precious nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A and C. Therefore, introducing more fish, nuts, and seeds into your diet, as well as spinach, berries, peppers, and citruses, could contribute to the state and appearance of your hair more than you might think. Lean protein should be helpful, too, but also some minerals, like magnesium, zinc, and iron, which is why a multivitamin supplement is something you might also try taking. Finally, there are foods that support hair growth, so try making these a part of your diet as well.

Even though it may seem complicated and time-consuming at first, having beautiful hair is far from impossible. With these phenomenal tips, your hair will soon become shinier and look lovely every day of the week.

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About the author

Learn More About Being a Survivalist. My name is Jack and my blog is a great way to get new and useful tips on how to get your house ready for anything, whether its a terrible storm or a really long power outage.

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