10 Survival Medicine Essentials: Your Kits Weaker Without Them

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Medications are one of the most important things to include in your survival kit. It’s good to be prepared either you are in your hometown, or on the road – no time is good to get cold. Especially when you or someone in your group or family has a condition you need to store enough prescription medicine to last a long time.  Storing OTC or over the counter medicine is also important for more general emergency use or treatment. Check this guide for the top 10 survival medicine that you can access immediately and are very useful for emergency situation, we’ve also included links to amazon in case you need to add some these medicines to your survival kit.

1.       Epi-pen

This is a prescription medicine that is very useful for treating insect sting or food reaction. One epinephrine shot can save the life of a child or an adult quickly when administered properly. When you ask your doctor for a prescription be sure to note the symptoms as you will need to see it before administering an epinephrine shot.

2.       Antibiotic ointment

This is very useful in treating wounds to prevent infection which could be fatal during a disaster or emergency situation. Store a big tube of Neosporin in your survival kit for fast and effective wound treatment.

3.       Quick-clot

Quick-clot powder is used to treat wounds and seal it shut preventing further bleeding which is very important during emergency and survival situations.

4.       Burn Gel

Aside from sustaining wounds burns are the most common injuries during an emergency situation or disasters. Applying a quick treatment of burn gel to burn injuries will help ease the pain immediately and prevent the burn from getting infected.

5.       Re-Hydration Salts

This is very important especially when you have children in your group or family as they are very susceptible to dehydration. Rehydration salts has a lot of nutrients and potassium which helps the body rehydrate and prevent total dehydration which could cause death.

6.       Antihistamine

Antihistamine is useful in treating mild allergic reactions that do not need an epinephrine shot like runny nose, slight food allergic reaction, or swelling due to insect stings. Use sudafed or a similar product to help relieve different ailments.

 7       Laxative

Disasters or emergency situations can cause severe stress that could lead to a serious traffic jam in your bowels. If you feel that your body is already storing a lot of waste which could be fatal then you can use laxatives to help you get things moving again. Never forget to add a laxative in your emergency survival kit.

8.       Loperamide (Anti Diarrhea Medicine)

An anti-diarrhea medicine is very important. This medicine is a necessity and must be included in your emergency survival kit. Loperamides can help stop dehydration caused by diarrhea when you acquire bacteria, virus, or amoeba during emergency situations.

9.       Pain Reliever

Anti-inflammatory pain relievers like Ibuprofen are very helpful in relieving pain caused by a variety of injuries as well as effectively treating headaches and other common complaints, but be careful when taking paracetamol and alcohol.

1.   Anti-itch cream

Anti-itch cream is an important medicine that you can add to your survival kit as it helps relieve itching which could turn into a infected wound if not treated properly and continued to be scratched.

Here’s an additional list of medicine that could help complete you emergency medical kit:

·         Infant / children’s pain relief

·         Children’s Benadryl

·         Antacid tablets

·         Allergy Meds / Antihistamines

·         Hydro-cortisone

·         Cold Meds

·         Prescription Meds

·         Copies of eyeglass or contact prescriptions

·         Ear Drops

·         Cranberry Pills

·         Epi-Pen

·         Essential Oils

·         High blood pressure meds

·         Insulin if necessary

·         Inhaler / asthma meds

·         Syrup of Ipecac OR Activated Charcoal (used to induce vomiting when poisoned)

·         Various types of pain relief

·         Anti-diarrhea meds & Laxative

Prescription Medicine

It is important to understand that prescription meds are not a luxury or an extra but a must have in you emergency survival kit. Prescription meds are medicine that you or any of your family or group member who has a condition must take regularly to survive, so be sure to store enough that will last a long time. Storing prescription medicine can be very hard because often insurance carriers will only allow a supply of 30 days and most doctors are reluctant to supply more than that. Here are some tips on how you could get additional prescription medicine to store in your emergency survival kit:

·         Talk to your doctor and ask for standalone prescription for a 2-week supply of your meds. The key is to tell your doctor honestly why you need it as most doctors are open to this idea as long as you’re not asking for a large amount of the medicine.

·         When you take your prescription to a pharmacy pay for it upfront and don’t use your insurance as insurance will only allow a 30 day supply of your prescription meds.

·         Most insurance companies will allow refills to your prescription a few days before you actually need the meds that would be a(5-7) days early. If you can do this for 4 months you will get an extra 30 day supply of your prescription meds.

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About the author

Learn More About Being a Survivalist. My name is Jack and my blog is a great way to get new and useful tips on how to get your house ready for anything, whether its a terrible storm or a really long power outage.

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