Tips Towards a More Sustainable Lifestyle

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Do you wish to lower your carbon footprint? Do you dream about the day you can live a more sustainable lifestyle?

Many people plan to do everything they can to preserve and protect our earth. But they have no idea where to begin. This is a problem that we’d like to help rectify with our best sustainability tips.

What Is Sustainable Living?

In a nutshell, a sustainable lifestyle is an intentional practice of limiting your use of natural resources. But sustainable living goes even deeper than this. In fact, the goal is not only to limit natural resource use but to replace whatever you end up using as best you can.

In some cases, you’ll feel compelled to no longer use or consume products that fail to promote sustainability. At other times, you’ll have to change some of your habits and the way you do things to make sustainability a more active part of your life.

Everyone understands that global warming; ozone layer depletion, resource depletion, and climate change can have a devastating effect on humans and animals. Adopting a sustainable lifestyle and taking the necessary actions to reduce your carbon footprint and lower your environmental impact is the best way to preserve and revitalize our planet.

To help make this possible, we’ve shared some exciting sustainability tips with you below. Please use them to the best of your ability.

Join a community garden

– Becoming a member of the community garden is about more than just growing your own food. It’s about getting involved in your community, becoming more active, and helping raise awareness about sustainable living in your neighborhood and the surrounding area. A garden creates a much-needed green space in an urban environment. The waste generated by the garden is returned to the soil as mulch and helps bring vitality to this wonderful green space so that it thrives for many years to come.

by Conserve Energy Future

The perfect gift for your favorite beekeeper

– Where there is smoke, this is fire. Beekeepers are in constant need of smoke. Smoke signals the bees that someone is visiting the hive. Smoke keeps the bees calm. These Pinecone Fire Starters make a perfect home-made gift for your favorite beekeeper.

by Waxing Kara Bee

Adopt a zero-waste lifestyle

– Living a zero-waste lifestyle is the ideal way to lower your carbon footprint and do everything in your power to preserve and protect the environment. Some ways to live a zero-waste lifestyle include: use a hankie instead of facial tissue to blow your nose, use reusable shopping bags and avoid plastic shopping bags, make your own baby wipes and use cloth diapers, avoid dryer sheets, and use reusable wool dryer balls, and shop smarter so you waste less food.

by David Suzuki Foundation

Change your modes of transportation to reduce carbon emissions

– A powerful way to reduce carbon emissions is to stop driving motor vehicles. For some, this is impossible although it’s a very nice dream even so. On the other hand, if you can limit the amount of time spent driving motor vehicles, you will help reduce carbon emissions nonetheless. You can begin by walking to work, biking to the grocery store, or using a car share service like Zipcar. Carpooling also helps as well as using public transportation, running, and biking as we already mentioned.

by ZipCar

Learn basic carpentry

– Learn basic carpentry and build what you need with local wood. Once you have the skills, putting together benches, bookshelves, or even small sheds yourself is well within reach. If you choose to buy locally-milled lumber, you cut down on the carbon footprint of shipping heavy boards or even finished items long distances (lots of cheap furniture is made all the way in China!).

by Wild Abundance

Become a vegan/avoid meat and dairy

– Believe it or not, most people fail to realize that factory farming and meat and dairy consumption are responsible for devastating climate change on a massive scale. The documentary Cowspiracy taught us that animal agriculture causes 18% of total greenhouse gas emissions. This huge percentage is bigger than the combined exhaust from global transportation, which is only responsible for 13% of total greenhouse gas emissions. Even worse, livestock and livestock byproducts create 32 million tons of carbon dioxide each year, which makes up 51% of total worldwide greenhouse gas emissions.

by CowSpiracy

Read and better understand labels

– Our product choices are practically overwhelming at this point since there are so many options available today. Some companies do a much better job of minimizing their planetary and wildlife impact than others. Coffee drinkers should purchase shade-grown coffee because it protects migratory birds and keeps forest habitats in place. Focus on purchasing fair trade certified goods whenever possible because these companies are dedicated to sustainability, environmentally friendly practices, and they pay their employees fairly. It’s always best to purchase organic food when possible, even though it costs more. Organic farmers avoid using harmful pesticides that protect our land, water, wildlife, farmworkers, and the population on the whole.

by Biological Diversity

Paper over plastic

– Always put everything in reusable bags. Bring a paper or a cotton bag to your local market, avoid products that are wrapped in plastic and try to recycle as much as you can.

by Military Travel Mama

Compost Food Waste At Home

Stop giving your valuable food waste to the city’s curbside green bin or, worse, to the garbage. Let your garden benefit from it, and take another step towards a more sustainable lifestyle.

Buy a coffee machine

Environmentally speaking, when buying coffee from a shop, you’re spending more time in traffic belching vehicular fumes, you’re spending more time on the interstate, you’re taking longer to get to work, and your coffee from Starbucks probably comes in some sort of a cardboard cup that’s worse for the environment than your thermos or other mugs. Maybe it’s time to get a coffee machine?

Hotel Boarders & Hotel Owners

Hotel Boarders:

Small gestures such as turning off and unplugging what you are not using or turning off the water tap when you lather up can contribute considerably to conserving energy.

Hotel Owners:

Likewise, hotels can be more sustainable by lowering the contracted light power, using LED lights, or hiring the services of companies that sell renewable energy or, if possible, install the green energy sources.
In : Blog, Survival

About the author

Learn More About Being a Survivalist. My name is Jack and my blog is a great way to get new and useful tips on how to get your house ready for anything, whether its a terrible storm or a really long power outage.

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