7 Overlooked Considerations: Grooming in a Survival Situation

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Basic Grooming

Grooming is often overlooked in a survival situation as we focus more on our immediate needs to survive. However it is important to understand that basic grooming is also a major factor in greatly increasing our chances of survival in an emergency situation. With proper grooming we can avoid diseases and bacteria from contaminating our food and water resources.

Staying healthy is one of the key factors in ensuring you and your family’s survival. The cleaner you stay, the healthier you will be. Learning the basics of grooming will ensure you and your family’s chances of avoiding diseases and increase your chances of survival.

Here is a list of important grooming supplies that you can add to your survival gear list:

Follow these useful grooming tips to help keep you and your family healthy in a survival situation:

Know when to Wash Your Hands

It is important to wash your hands to keep bacteria from contaminating your resources and keep yourself from getting diseases.  Washing your hands after handling any material or equipment that may carry bacteria is a good and healthy practice. Always remember to wash your hands after going to your sanitation area and before eating as well. You may need to conserve water during a survival or emergency situation so keeping a hand sanitizer is also a good option.

Hair Grooming

Keeping your hair clean is important to avoid parasites, bacteria, and fleas from infesting and nesting in it. The best way to do this is by keeping your hair combed, cleaned, and trimmed to help keep dangerous parasites and bacteria away. You can use anything sharp to cut and trim your hair like a survival knife, blade, credit card knife, or even a sharpened rock.

Keeping Your Clothes Clean

Keeping your survival clothing clean is very important in a survival situation as your clothes can be inhabited by bacteria and parasites. Wearing dirty clothes could cause skin diseases and infection which could be fatal in a survival situation. By keeping your clothes clean, dry and in good condition you can keep unwanted diseases and bacteria away and retain your clothes warming quality longer.

Teeth/Mouth Grooming

Getting a mouth infection or suffering a tooth ache can be fatal in a survival situation as it will greatly affect your ability to think and move efficiently. Keeping your mouth and teeth clean is very important to bacteria and infection away. You can use a chewing stick, salt on a finger tip and a clean strip of cloth on your fingers to clean your teeth.

Keeping your Feet Clean

In a survival situation your feet may be your only means of transportation so it is very important to take good care of it. Proper feet grooming can be done by keeping your feet dry and clean and massaging it at least once a day to relax the joints and muscles. One way of preventing feet injuries is by regularly cutting your toe nails straight and constantly examining your feet for blisters and hot spots so it can be treated immediately. Always check your shoes or boots for any rough spots, stones, pebbles, or sticks so it can be removed to avoid injury.

Proper Rest

Getting enough sleep is important to rest your body and give you the energy to keep going in a survival situation. Having sufficient rest will give you the ability to think and respond effectively in different critical situations. One key to getting proper rest in a survival environment is by learning to be comfortable in less ideal conditions.

How to Avoid Illness

Keeping healthy is one of the most important grooming skills that you need to learn in a survival situation. Here are some additional grooming steps that will help keep you and your family healthy and ensure your survival:

  • Learn to purify water that you obtained from natural resources before drinking it.
  • Learn to establish a sanitary area or a cat hole at least 200 yards away from your base camp to avoid contamination of your resources.
  • Always wash your hands before handling food or drinking water. Keep objects that may contain bacteria like equipment, your hands, or sticks away from your mouth.
  • Make it a habit to clean your teeth and mouth at least once a day.
  • If possible wear clothing that will protect you from insect bites and stings and keep your clothes clean.
  • Keep your clothes dry and clean to prevent your body temperature from dropping which could be fatal in a survival situation.
  • Always get at least 7 – 8 hours of rest each day to be active and mentally alert.
In : Survival

About the author

Learn More About Being a Survivalist. My name is Jack and my blog is a great way to get new and useful tips on how to get your house ready for anything, whether its a terrible storm or a really long power outage.

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